Junk Removal Services in Bernalillo, NM

Why do junk removal in Bernalillo on your own when Junk Out ABQ has your back?

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Junk Removal Services in Bernalillo

Regardless of the junk you want gone, we’re your go-to business. Some of our most popular services include:

Don’t wait, call today!

Junk Out ABQ experts on a phone booking a service

Let’s Begin!

If you’re on your phone or computer right now, then you’re half-way there! Call us today to speak with one of our junk removal pros or click book now when it is convenient for you. We look forward to working with you to reach your junk-removal goals!

Junk Out ABQ experts ready for work

Transparent Pricing

For the purpose of transparency, all of our pricing factors are calculated into the initial quote. You’ll never discover any added fees on your final bill that wasn’t in the initial quote!

  • Free Estimates and Quotes. Not only will we give you a free estimate over the phone, but we’ll give you a more comprehensive quote once we see your items in person.
  • No Franchise Fees. Choose local and you’ll never pay a franchise fee! In addition, your money stays in the local economy!
  • Easy Payments. Consequently, we have convenient payment options when it’s time to settle the bill. After all, we accept payments of cash, credit cards, as well as Venmo, Cash App, Zelle and PayPal.

With the money you’ll save by hiring Junk Out ABQ, why not check out Santa Ana Star Casino!

Junk Out ABQ inside their truck

Go with the Pros

Junk removal in Bernalillo is a whole lot easier when you leave it to the pros. And not just any pros!

  • Locals. Junk Out ABQ are your local professionals who know the ins and outs of Bernalillo, Duke City and the surrounding area.
  • Prompt. Not only will our trained crew will arrive on time, we’ll also arrive ready to start your junk removal job.
  • Women Owned. By supporting a women-owned business, you empower gender equality, help eradicate poverty and stimulate economic growth.

When you got too much junk, let Junk Out ABQ help!


Call 505-485-4883 or email junkoutabq@gmail.com  for a free quote and a conversation with our junk removal specialists.

(505) 485-4883